Pigeon Softouch Peristaltic Plus Teat 2pk


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SOFTOUCH PERISTALTIC PLUS TEAT S 2PK Developing a Stable Rhythm for Nursing – Your baby will slowly start to stay awake for longer periods of time Over 4 kg. Baby drinks roughly 100ml in 10 mins – Baby will drink continuously for a longer period of time. – From 2 months baby will drink more per day at roughly 3 hourly intervals. SOFTOUCH PERISTALTIC PLUS TEAT M 2PK Stronger Neck and Head Control – Baby develops stronger head and neck control and looks in the direction of sounds. Over 6kg Baby drinks roughly 150ml in 10 mins – Your baby will settle down to nursing and feel more comfortable with each feed – this will also result in less focus on sucking. – On average, there will be 5-6 nursings per day at roughly 4 hourly intervals SOFTOUCH PERISTALTIC PLUS TEAT L 2PK Turning Over and Sitting Up – Your baby will start to eat baby food. – After one month of eating baby food, she will adjust to the new food and eat it twice per day. – Your baby will start cutting teeth. Over 8kg Baby drinks roughly 200ml in 10 mins – Baby will follow a morning/ afternoon/ evening nursing schedule. – Nursing finishes very quickly as baby’s sucking reflex action is very strong. – Baby nurses sitting up. – Once your baby is comfortable with sitting, she will start to hold the bottle and drink by herself. – Your baby will start cutting teeth and begin to bite on the teat.


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